Discover The Top 9 Amazing ‘Albino Animals’

Albino Animals

Albino animals are rare to be found in the animal kingdom too. They are formed due to congenital defect that prevents colour pigmentation in their body. Albino animals may be different but they are absolutely beautiful. In this article you will learn about 9 Amazing Albino Animals.

What Is Albinism?

As we stated, albinism is a congenital defect that prevents the colour pigmentation of the body to form. The animals look very pale due to albinism and have blue eyes.

This is caused because the mutation prevents the production of melanin which is responsible for imparting color to the body.

Albino Animals

Albino animals may be beautiful but they have a hard time surviving in the wild because of their unique attributes. They can be rejected by their family, they are an easy target for poachers and predators.

Their coats are wanted all over the world to make coats. This makes the life of Albino wild animals very difficult. It is very sad to think about it but that’s just how nature works. (We don’t support poachers though).

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It is said that albino animals are better to be bred and live in captivity than out in the open. At least that way they are protected from poachers and predators.

9 Amazing Albino Animals

Here are the 9 Amazing Albino Animals. This will probably be quite a list so you need to prepare yourself as you read it. Once you start please go through the entire article in one sitting. So without any further ado let’s get right into it.

1. Albino Zebras

Albino zebras are quite rare. Zebras are known for their distinct black and white stripes. It is their characteristic trait. However scientists still can’t figure out what led to the evolution of such a colour scheme in zebras.

Albino zebras are pale and almost golden and white in colour. If you look at a picture of a albino zebra then you will know what we are talking about. This combination of colours in a zebra might be uncommon but it is very pretty nonetheless.

2. Albino Domestic Dogs

Albino domestic dogs are not so common either. They are and always will be man’s best friend even if they are albinos. Sometimes dogs are mistaken to be albino too because of flecs of white on their coat.

But this can be a condition called Merle too. A true albino dog does not have any melanin on their skin or eyes. All Albino dog typically has a full white coat, blue eyes and pink noses.

They need extra protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Use a doggy approved sun screen to protect your albino dog (if you have one).

3. Albino Caribou

They are mostly found in Alaskan wilderness. The Albino caribou is more rare than any of the other albino animals that we are discussing. If that make any kind of sense. We are trying to say that only one or two sightings of the albino caribou  is seen and that too only in Alaska.

They are really lovely and beautiful creature that look like they walked straight out of a fantasy magic book (We are totally not thinking about Harry Potter here).

4. Albino Kangaroos

When we speak of kangaroos we automatically think of Australia. In Australia the kangaroos outnumbered the humans by two to one.

However even with that many number of kangaroos present, you will still have trouble spotting an albino one. Most of the albino kangaroos are kept in captivity to protect them from the predators and poachers. The wild Albino kangaroos are very few.

Albinism makes the kangaroos open to hearing and seeing problems. They also have to get protection from the sun rays. Life in the jungle is hard when ones an albino. However they are just adorable creatures that you would just want to hug.

5. Albino Domestic Cats

Please do not confuse a white cat with an albino cat (even though it is quite difficult to tell the difference for a common average person). To tell the difference you have to look at the cat’s eye.

Albino cats only have pale blue or pink eyes. A normal white cat can have eyes of different colours like green, brown, etc. The Albino cats just like Albino dogs require special care. They don’t have any pigmentation so sunlight can be harmful for them.

Albinism can also cause them to partially or totally lose their hearing. Have a look out for that. If you find that you have an albino cat then try to teach them to act on action cues rather than hearing cues, this will be helpful in case your cat loses their hearing.

6. Albino Alligators

Albino alligators are extremely rare too. There was only about two dozen recorded Albino alligators in the entire world. That is a very small Number. Most of the albino or rather all of them to be honest are in captivity. Now you might wonder why there are no Albino alligators in the wild.

This is because the albino alligator do not have any melanin pigmentation so they have such pale skin that it makes them stand out in the swamp waters and that makes their camouflage harder. This results in poachers and predators finding and attacking them.

7. Albino Humpback Whales

We have been talking about land animals but let’s take a look at the creatures under the water too. Humpback whales are one which is affected by albinism. The Albino humpback whales have been spotted in the coasts of Australia and Norway.

These creatures can have a yellowish tinge in their skin because of the planktons they eat.  This is a special case. Depending upon the plankton they eat, their skim colours changes a bit.

8. Albino Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are cute. But Albino sea turtles are cuter. The pigmentation loss of the turtles have made them an endangered species. Sea turtles are endangered species in the first place, that means that the albino sea turtles are even more rare to spot.

They are so rare that there are only a handful of Albino sea turtles that are photographed. This rarity of an animal makes them harder to spot. However they are just adorable in nature. Many poachers try to catch them in order to sell them in the black market.

9. Albino Domestic Rabbits

Albino rabbits are rare in the wild. They are easy target to predators. However many Albino rabbits are found in the domestic households. They make really cute and adorable pets. You can determine if your rabbit has albinism or just a white coat by the same method used for cats.

If your rabbit has pinkish or reddish eyes then they probably have albinism. They also require a little bit of extra care because of their special condition just like the albino dog and cat. Be sure to be aware of that condition before hand.

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We hope that this article has been useful for you. Thank you so much for reading this article. We only tried to explain it in an easy way so that all of you can understand. It is important to note how albinism can be formed in any kind of species or any kind of animal.

There are so many more albino animals that are not included in this list. If you want to know more about them then you can obviously look it up. We just covered the most common of the albino animals found in the animal kingdom.

Hopefully, you liked reading this article and you will consider sharing this article with others. Tell us if you have seen an albino animal before in the comment section below. Thank you so much once again and have a great day.


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