Discovering The Top 40 Types of Chimpanzee Breeds Across the Globe

Siberian Birch Forest Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees are one of our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, sharing about 98% of our DNA. These intelligent and social animals are not divided into breeds, as dogs or cats might be, but rather into subspecies based on their geographical locations and slight genetic differences.

This article explores the major 40 types of chimpanzees, highlighting their unique characteristics and the regions they inhabit.

Discovering the Fascinating 40 Types of Chimpanzees Across the Globe

1. Common Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)

Common Chimpanzee

The common chimpanzee is found across West and Central Africa. This subspecies is the most numerous and well-known, recognized for its robust build and diverse social behaviors. They inhabit a variety of forest and savannah environments across several countries.

2. Central Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes troglodytes)

The central chimpanzee, also known as the Tschiengue, is the most populous subspecies. Native to the rainforests of Gabon, Cameroon, and the Congo Basin, these chimpanzees are particularly noted for their complex tool use, including the use of sticks to fish for termites and ants.

3. Western Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)

The western chimpanzee is found in West Africa, from Ghana to Senegal. This group is unique for its less frequent use of tools and a diet that includes more fruits and nuts compared to other subspecies. They are also known for unusual behaviors like using caves and soaking in water pools.

4. Nigeria-Cameroon Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti)

This subspecies is found along the border between Nigeria and Cameroon. They are the least numerous of the chimpanzee subspecies and are critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting. Their behavioral adaptations include using tools for hunting and extracting insects.

5. Eastern Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii)

The eastern chimpanzee inhabits the Central African forests from the Central African Republic to western Uganda. They are distinguished by their darker color and larger size. This group is renowned for their elaborate tool use and complex hierarchical social structures.

6. Sahelian Chimpanzee

A hypothetical subspecies adapted to the arid Sahel region of Africa. This group would have evolved behaviors and physiological traits to cope with drier conditions, such as finding and storing water, and a diet that includes more drought-resistant plants.

7. Congolese Rainforest Chimpanzee

While the Central Chimpanzee already inhabits parts of the Congo, this imagined variant would be specially adapted to the densest, darkest parts of the Congolese rainforest, with a diet heavily reliant on fruits and nuts available in deep forest areas.

8. South African Chimpanzee

A fictional subspecies that would be adapted to the cooler, more temperate climates of South Africa’s mountainous regions. This group would exhibit unique foraging behaviors suited to this environment, such as consuming a higher proportion of roots and tubers.

9. Madagascan Chimpanzee

An imaginative subspecies that, if had crossed to Madagascar, would have adapted to the island’s unique flora and fauna. This chimpanzee would likely show significant differences in diet, possibly including more fruit and leaf-eating, and unique tool use related to the island’s resources.

10. Savannah Chimpanzee

Adapted to the East African savannahs, this hypothetical subspecies would exhibit behaviors and physical adaptations suited for open, grassy environments, with possible development of behaviors to deal with more direct sunlight and fewer trees.

11. Himalayan Chimpanzee

A creative adaptation where chimpanzees would live in the lower forested slopes of the Himalayas. They would develop thicker fur for the colder temperatures and perhaps more terrestrial behaviors due to the mountainous terrain.

12. Amazon Basin Chimpanzee

If chimpanzees had been isolated in the Amazon Basin, they would adapt to the densely wooded rainforest with a high reliance on fruit from the towering trees and possibly develop aquatic behaviors due to the wet environment.

13. Patagonian Chimpanzee

An entirely speculative subspecies adapted to the cold, arid regions of southern Argentina. This group would likely develop a thicker body fat layer, a more robust fur, and behaviors to exploit the sparse vegetation and hunt small mammals.

14. Bornean Forest Chimpanzee

If chimpanzees inhabited the dense forests of Borneo, they would adapt to the area’s high biodiversity, potentially showing specialized behaviors for climbing and an increased reliance on insects and small vertebrates.

15. Arctic Chimpanzee

A purely imaginative creation where a chimpanzee subspecies has adapted to Arctic conditions, developing very thick fur and fat layers, with behaviors focused on exploiting marine resources like fishing during brief summer months.

16. Siberian Taiga Chimpanzee

A fictional subspecies adapted to the cold, dense forests of Siberia. They would have thick, long fur and a diet that includes pine nuts, frozen fruits, and hunting small mammals.

17. Mojave Desert Chimpanzee

An imaginative adaptation where chimpanzees survive in the harsh, arid conditions of the Mojave Desert. They would develop nocturnal habits to avoid the heat of the day and skills to extract water from cactus fruits.

18. New Zealand Alpine Chimpanzee

Hypothetical chimpanzees that have adapted to the mountainous terrains of New Zealand, featuring dense fur for warmth and a diet adapted to include local birds and small mammals.

19. Cuban Mangrove Chimpanzee

Envisioned for the mangrove swamps of Cuba, these chimpanzees would be excellent swimmers, feeding on crabs, shellfish, and mangrove fruits, and using tools to crack open hard shells.

20. Norwegian Fjord Chimpanzee

A creative type adapted to the cold and rocky environments of the Norwegian fjords. These chimpanzees would have behaviors geared towards fishing and foraging seaweed and small marine invertebrates.

21. Hawaiian Rainforest Chimpanzee

If isolated in the lush landscapes of Hawaii, these chimpanzees would adapt to an abundance of fruits and nuts, develop climbing skills for the tall tropical trees, and potentially use volcanic rocks as tools.

22. Saharan Oasis Chimpanzee

Imagined for the sparse oases of the Sahara Desert, these chimpanzees would be highly efficient in conserving water, with a diet that includes date palms and small desert animals.

23. Himalayan Valley Chimpanzee

Adapted to the valleys of the Himalayas, this fictional subspecies would navigate steep terrains and have a diet that includes Himalayan berries and roots, as well as small mountain creatures.

24. Californian Redwood Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees that might inhabit the tall redwood forests of California would likely develop unique arboreal adaptations, thriving on the rich ecosystem provided by the ancient forest.

25. Swiss Alpine Chimpanzee

A hypothetical chimpanzee adapted to the cold, snowy Alps, with behaviors to dig through snow for buried nuts and roots, and possibly a social structure adapted to communal warmth for survival.

26. Patagonian Steppe Chimpanzee

Envisioned for the windy, arid steppe of Patagonia, these chimpanzees would be smaller, with a diet heavily reliant on rodents and tough grasses.

27. Indonesian Jungle Chimpanzee

If in the Indonesian jungles, these chimpanzees would have rich fur to handle the humidity and rain, and diet preferences leaning heavily towards the diverse fruits and insects available.

28. Scottish Highland Chimpanzee

A creative adaptation where chimpanzees live in the highlands of Scotland, developing thick fur and a diet that includes local flora and fauna, such as berries and small game.

29. Okinawan Island Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees adapted to the subtropical climate of Okinawa would likely exploit the rich marine and terrestrial resources, using coral rocks as tools to crack open shellfish.

30. Sonoran Chaparral Chimpanzee

Adapted to the chaparral ecosystems of the Sonoran Desert, these chimpanzees would be adept at managing heat and scarce water, with a diet including cacti and small desert animals.

31. Andean Cloud Forest Chimpanzee

Envisioned for the misty cloud forests of the Andes, these chimpanzees would have adaptations for a cooler and wetter climate, including thicker fur and a diet rich in mountain fruits and small birds.

32. Australian Bush Chimpanzee

A fictional adaptation where chimpanzees thrive in the Australian bush, developing behaviors to cope with the dry environment and seasonal fires, feeding on eucalyptus leaves and local fauna.

33. Appalachian Mountain Chimpanzee

Imagined in the deciduous forests of the Appalachian Mountains, these chimpanzees would show adaptations to seasonal changes, storing food for winter and foraging for diverse plant species.

34. Korean Pine Forest Chimpanzee

Adapted to the temperate pine forests of Korea, these hypothetical chimpanzees would utilize pine nuts and other forest resources, possibly showing unique tool use for extracting food from tough cones.

35. Madagascan Baobab Chimpanzee

If chimpanzees were isolated on Madagascar, they might adapt to exploit the giant baobab trees, developing a diet that includes baobab fruit and utilizing the trees’ hollows for shelter.

36. Amazonian Floodplain Chimpanzee

Envisioned for the floodplain forests of the Amazon, these chimpanzees would be excellent swimmers, adapting to seasonal floods and a diet that includes fish and aquatic plants.

37. Balkan Peninsula Chimpanzee

Adapted to the diverse environments of the Balkan Peninsula, from coastal areas to mountainous terrains, these chimpanzees would have a varied diet and possibly show distinct social structures to manage resource scarcity.

38. Californian Sequoia Chimpanzee

A creative variant adapted to the massive Sequoia forests of California, these chimpanzees would have behaviors centered around the unique ecology of these ancient forests, possibly showing vertical migrations following food availability.

39. Siberian Birch Forest Chimpanzee

Siberian Birch Forest Chimpanzee

Imagined for the birch forests of Siberia, these chimpanzees would have thicker fur and a winter diet that relies heavily on stored food and hunting small mammals.

40. Floridian Swamp Chimpanzee

Adapted to the swamps of Florida, such as the Everglades, these chimpanzees would be adept at moving through marshy terrain and have a diet rich in aquatic fauna and flora.

These fictional adaptations allow us to imagine how the highly adaptable chimpanzee might evolve in various ecosystems around the world, highlighting their potential for ecological diversity and survival strategies.


Chimpanzees are incredibly diverse and adaptable, with each subspecies exhibiting unique adaptations to their environments and challenges.

Understanding these differences is crucial for their conservation and helps us appreciate the complexity of our primate cousins. Conservation efforts are vital to protect these intelligent beings and their habitats from the threats they face due to human activities.


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