Discover The Top 10 ‘Owl Species’ You Must Know About

Owl Species

We know what you are thinking. Owls are adorable nocturnal birds that can rotate their heads about 360 degrees. There are two types of people here. We do not know why you want to know about Owls, but we can categorize them into two groups.

One who watches anime and the other who does not.  Now the group that watches anime knows where this is going. If you have watched haikyuu, you know completely well who the ‘Owls’ in the show (whispers Bokuto and Akashi’s name under my breath as I write this article).

Anyhow those who are not aware of it do not worry. It is nothing related to the article. It’s just an inside joke of us weebs. So let’s dive into the article right now.

Owl Species

Understanding Owl Species: Diversity and Characteristics

There are over 200 species of owls, varying greatly in size and appearance. Ranging from the tiny Elf Owl to the imposing Eurasian Eagle-Owl, each species has adapted to its environment in remarkable ways.

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Owls are known for their large, forward-facing eyes, which provide exceptional night vision, and their ability to rotate their heads up to 270 degrees. Another distinctive feature is their silent flight, made possible by specialized feathers that minimize sound.

10 Types of Owl Species

Owls are unique in the bird kingdom. Just think about it. They have large eyes in their socket. They have many feathers over the necessary amount, and they have a more rounded head than any other Owls.

It is said that these round eyes and round pace tucked in a blanket of soft feathers is what makes us humans think that these birds are extremely cute and we would want one to snuggle by our side.

We bring this article today to make sure that you have your daily dose of cuteness. This is also helpful info to know just for the sake of General knowledge.

If you are an Owl lover who wants to know more about Owls, this is the best article. Today we bring the 10 top types of Owls to you. So grab your cup of tea or coffee and enjoy.

  1. Long-Eared Owl

Look at that face. How can you not call them cute! They do have long protruding ears, which earn them their name. They are big hooters that are found predominantly in North America, Asia, and Europe.

They are a mixture of brown, beige, and golden in colour. If you have not seen one, go look it up on google. They take up residence in the abandoned nest of similar large birds like magpies and hawks, ravens. That definitely means that they are a lazy bunch. We can definitely relate.

  1. Oriental Bay Owl

The Oriental bay Owl is usually found in Southeast Asia. They are said to be a part of the barn Owl family. Some people find them cute with their small beak and long face.

They look like a usual common Owl—nothing too uncommon or extraordinary about this one. The Oriental bay Owl makes its nest in hollow trees and stumps. This is also similar to most other Owls.

  1. Eastern Screech Owl

First off they are found in North America, Canada, and Mexico. The Eastern Screech Owl is short and stumpy. It is protruding ears and it is said that they do not screech at all. Then why is the Owl named as such?

Many of you are thinking about this question, and the answer to that is that it is just a misleading name. It makes a descending tremolo call. It does not actually screech. It is not to be easily seen but they can be often heard. Maybe that’s what gave it the name.

  1. Snowy Owl

The snowy Owl is quite heavy, but that does not affect its beautiful flight. It is usually found in the tundra region of North America, Asia, and Europe. It is one of the largest Owl special with its snow-white color.

It is very beautiful to look at, and its size attributes to its weight. It sometimes visits the Eastern Seaboard of the United States Of America. This is the Owl that has big feathers for you to snuggle with.

  1. Tawny Owl

Tawny Owl is the most common species of Owl. If we asked you to picture an Owl mentally, you probably thought of the tawny Owl’s face.

They are extremely common in England. However they are hardly seen by the people because they are nocturnal. They have excellent vision and hearing ability. This helps them to hunt and pinpoint their prey’s location.

  1. Northern Pygmy-Owl

They are very small Owls and are usually found in the early morning or early evening. They are so small in general that it enhances their cuteness. Believe us when we say that it is about six inches in height.

That’s the same size of a regular small scale found in geometry boxes! They are diurnal rather than nocturnal and can be seen at dusk and dawn.

  1. Burrowing Owls

You guessed it right. The name gives away that they live in burrows in the ground rather than in the trees’ hollow. But they do not often make their own burrows. They occupy the abandoned burrows of squirrels and prairie dogs.

They have long wings and long legs. They are nocturnal and hunt for its prey at night. Its long legs allow it to sprint and capture prey.

  1. Northern Saw-Whet Owl

This Owl looks like a doll in a glance. They are about 6 to 8 inches long and they are one of the smallest species of Owls found in North America. They are extremely cute to look at and their size adds to the adorable doll like factor.

Even though they are small and cute, they can make a hoot that sounds like a saw being sharpened. Not a good sound at all, especially if you are walking through the woods at night. Imagine walking through a dark wood only to hear the sound of a saw being sharpened on a whet-stone. I will run for my life!

  1. Western Screech Owl

They are found in the Western and Central portion of North America. They are a relative of the Owl we previously mentioned: the northern saw-whet Owl. They can recognize members of their own species because of their distinct call.

You can find them in open woods and edges of forests. The name of this Owl is not misleading at all. They do have screech like hoot that can be distinguished by humans too.

  1. Collared Scops-Owl

The collared scops Owl is a small but mighty Owl. They can be found in Asia, especially in south China, Northern Pakistan and Northern India. It mostly eats insects and is nocturnal. This Owl has an unusual face but it is still very cute.

If you have not seen a picture yet, then go check it out on google, and we are sure that you won’t be able to help but go ‘aww’ at the face of this one.

Owl Habitats and Distribution

Owls are found in a wide range of habitats, from dense forests to arid deserts and even urban areas. Their global distribution includes every continent except Antarctica.

Each species has adapted to its specific environment, influencing their hunting strategies, nesting behavior, and overall survival.

Owl Behavior and Diet

Owls are primarily nocturnal, hunting under the cover of night. Their diet typically consists of small mammals, birds, and insects.

Some larger species may hunt bigger prey like fish or other birds. Owls use their keen sense of hearing and sight to locate prey, striking with precision and efficiency.

Owl Reproduction and Lifecycle

Owls typically mate for life and engage in elaborate courtship rituals, which may include duet calls and aerial displays.

They nest in a variety of locations, from tree cavities to ground burrows, depending on the species. Owlets are born helpless and rely on both parents for food and protection until they are ready to fledge.

Owl Conservation and Ecological Importance

Owls play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance as both predators and prey. They help control rodent and insect populations, benefiting agricultural and natural ecosystems.

However, many owl species face threats from habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. Conservation efforts are essential for their protection and include habitat preservation, research, and public education initiatives.

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Final Words

Well, how was it? Did you gush over the cuteness of these Owls? The number of kinds and varieties of Owls is a lot. We just included the top 10 in our list.

If you are fascinated by them and want to know more about the different types of Owls worldwide, you should search for more extensive and detailed articles or even order a book on Amazon. There are quite a few good ones out there.

However, bringing this article to its conclusion, we want to point out that we just skimmed the top of the world of Owls’ surface. There is a lot more to know. The world of Owls is fascinating. These nocturnal birds are a lot more than a bunch of cute feathery birds.

We hope that you found this article useful in whatever way was needed by you. Thank you once again for giving this article a read. Try recommending this article to a friend who is also interested in Owls or find them cute!


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